PUPILS and staff at Greenleaf Primary School have been given a glowing Ofsted report.

The school in Greenleaf Road, Walthamstow, was scrutinised at the beginning of November.

Inspector Andrew Matthews and his team said: "This is an outstanding school that provides an excellent education and level of care for its pupils.

"It is extremely successful in integrating pupils from wide ranging backgrounds, cultures, and religions, and creating an impressive harmonious community."

The school's headteacher, Sue Mumme, and senior management were described as being instrumental in moving the school forward since the last inspection.

The report described pupils as friendly, polite and helpful to each other and visitors and were well behaved in lessons and in general.

Levels of achievement were excellent and had improved since the last inspection as the school had resolved the dip in Year 6 results in 2007 with standards for the present year above average in English and mathematics.

Pupils with English as an additional language and those with learning difficulties made the same excellent progress as their peers.

Outstanding ratings were given to the effectiveness of the foundation stage, personal development and well-being, quality of provision, curriculum and other activities, care, guidance and support and leadership and management.

Governors were praised for giving the school a well informed critical challenge and knowledgeable support in areas such as finance and health and safety.

The report said their work had helped to contribute to the school's resurgence.

Ms Mumme, who has been head for the past six years, said: "I thought it was well deserved for the pupils, staff and governors."

"Outstanding" is the highest of the four grades that can be offered to any school.